Monday, February 20, 2012

I can't believe this guy is a legitimate candidate

Rick Santorum recently visited my adopted state of Washington and declared, "This is a blue state? No way. This is a state that treasures freedom and opportunity." Gee, Rick, I didn't realize I had to be conservative to treasure freedom and opportunity! Oh, wait - that's because

I treasure the freedom to love and marry whom I choose.
I treasure the freedom to decide what is best for me and my body.
I treasure the opportunity to take care of my basic health needs even if I'm poor.
I treasure the opportunity to live in a country that values equality, tolerance, and compassion.

At least, I would treasure those things, if conservative lawmakers weren't so determined to stop me.

Also, this:

1 comment:

  1. Without a doubt, "For want of the nail, the shoe was lost." It is popular how aficionados can't get a motley thing like this. One woman's Keto Diet is another woman's Weight Loss Gummies. Where else can dilettantes scrape together noted Weight Loss Gummies sessions? It's sort of far fetched. I'll get into this in a moment.
