Sunday, April 26, 2009

Recommended Reading

While I work on my first assignment, here is one of the funniest and best things I have read on the internet in a long time:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What's all this about then

I like to write, but I have problems with... motivation. By which I mean I have been paralyzed by insecurities since before I graduated college, despite having a writing minor. But that ends here! On this blog I will complete assignments. You can give me assignments - whatever you want to see me write, I will attempt it. Ask me to write a poem, an academic essay, a recipe, a story. Something made up or something true. Something personal or abstract. If I don't get assignments I will make up my own, but I'd much rather hear from you.

Assignment guidelines!
1. Please give me something more specific than "write a story."
2. Leave feedback if you have any thoughts/suggestions.
3. Give me assignments by making a comment to a post or emailing me at

My hope is that this way I will get practice writing things other than rambling essays in my journal that never get revised beyond the first draft. And that I will regain some of that self-confidence I once had.