Sunday, April 12, 2009

What's all this about then

I like to write, but I have problems with... motivation. By which I mean I have been paralyzed by insecurities since before I graduated college, despite having a writing minor. But that ends here! On this blog I will complete assignments. You can give me assignments - whatever you want to see me write, I will attempt it. Ask me to write a poem, an academic essay, a recipe, a story. Something made up or something true. Something personal or abstract. If I don't get assignments I will make up my own, but I'd much rather hear from you.

Assignment guidelines!
1. Please give me something more specific than "write a story."
2. Leave feedback if you have any thoughts/suggestions.
3. Give me assignments by making a comment to a post or emailing me at

My hope is that this way I will get practice writing things other than rambling essays in my journal that never get revised beyond the first draft. And that I will regain some of that self-confidence I once had.


  1. HEATHER! Welcome to the blogspot!

    things you should write about:
    -what piece of technology do you own that you consider the most evil?
    -your thoughts (scientific or zombie bunnies or whatever) on why shower curtains billow in (i once read an article in Discover about how scientists don't really know why that happens...)
    -National Bohemian vs. Rainier Beer
    -do you think Darwin would have been as successful if he didn't have such a sweet beard?
    -why Bekkah is the coolest person you know (sometimes when you are writing persuasive pieces you have to write about something you don't necessarily agree with, but it's an important skill to convince the reader how amazing i am)

    I will come up with more later. (You can always give me photo assignments too!!)

  2. Write -

    -Why Katie is the coolest person you know :P
    -A conversation between two pillows on a bed
    -A description of the best dessert EVER

    I will think of more, possibly when I have less wine in me! :)

  3. I have another assignment for you, one that occurred to me while running today.

    Write about why, on both a societal level and an awesomeness level, "Baby Got Back" is a fantastic song.

    For example, is it awesome and feminist and honest, or is it shallow? Is it shallow that the guy admits he has a body type he likes and procedes to talk about it? Does the part where they say ladies can make booty calls, too, make it equal? Is it okay that he just wants sex if he's perfectly honest about it?

    I was running, and I think I listened to it about ten times in a row, and really thought about the lyrics. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this important matter. :)
